Real Talk

A little embarrassed about my recent reading material, but I'm finding myself slipping further and further out to sea regarding motherhood, work, partnership, parenting through partnership, daughter-hood, friendship, housekeeping, citizenship and student loan debtorship (which my very costly degree told me was not a word before spellcheck did. But said degree also gave me the chutzpah to flip spellcheck the bird), let alone figuring out how to carve out a solid (happy) hour to breathe, laugh or cry. Never mind the fact that its been really hot, my health has been on strike for three weeks, and my son's Jewish pre-school has every Friday off this month.

And so. I find myself, as I have so many times before, figuring out how to be early to any and all appointments so I can eek out some time to lose myself seeking commiseration in a book. I'll keep you posted.
