amnio tomorrow.

because you really needed that imagery, right?

i thought i wasn't nervous. i thought i was just tired, so i went to sleep at 9pm. now i'm up fairly terrified.

not that anythings wrong...this is not a mom-to-be kind of worry, this is a good old fashioned, omg, i hate needles kind of worry. granted, the needle fear has let up as of late; what with all the poking they do when they find out you're pregnant, but a big needle in my tummy? that i need an anaesthetic for? that's scary.

plus, we know that nothing is likely wrong. our first trimester screenings came back last week, and they were great: the baby has a 1 in 100,000 chance of having down syndrome (the average for a woman my age is 1 in 465), and a 1 in 5,5000 chance of having trisonomy (average 1 in 338). basically, our genetic counselor told us we were exempt from having any more tests, but we already had the amnio scheduled and wanted to know FOR SURE FOR SURE...

still, i'm a little petrified. like, up at 2 am petrified.

i will try to go back to sleep and not think of big needles and amniotic fluid oozing out of a hole in my tummy. because you needed that imagery, too.



of course you will tell me when the "results" come in, right? is that an okay question to ask?