maybe telling too soon?
but i'm rotten at secrets...
taken last wednesday, at 7 weeks and one day. due date, april 20, 2010.
we are still in a little bit of disbelief over here. we went to breakfast with the boy's mom yesterday and she looked at him from across the table and said, "dad". it nearly floored me. i can only barely acknowledge that this is happening inside of my body, let alone that in a few months, it will be happening to the world.
i am feeling tired and sick to my stomach, but not much throwing up. the medicine the dr. gave me for the nausea gave me such a monstrous headache (which i can now only take tylenol for. does tylenol help headaches? not mine...), that i will never ever ever take it again. instead, i am drinking ginger tea and eating water crackers and over-indulging in fruit. peaches, plums, pluots, prunes and, breaking the p cycle, grapes, raspberries and blueberries.
creepily enough, i think i'm attracted to these specific fruits, as all the literature i'm reading is comparing the baby at this point to those fruits. so far its been a blueberry and a raspberry. we're moving into grape territory this week, week 9.
for the most part, the grandparents are beside themselves, and smile all the time, and mark my dr.'s appointments on their calendars. i think its cute.
other new things:
i can smell things six blocks away.
i am thinking about a doula.
also, natural childbirth, no epidural, etc, if possible.
i am wondering if, instead of buying maternity pants, i can just order a few pairs of stretch corduroys in a couple sizes too big from delia's.
and yes, i'm telling too soon, at nine weeks instead of twelve, but i needed the outlet. everyone at work already knows, as last week was a rough one, and i thought i should come clean. on the horizon early next month are screening tests and an amnio, as i will be 35 in april. scary (both the tests and the fact that i will be 35 next year), but i am confident that everything is fine. please be confident for me, too.
p.s. to jackie: that was the reference to "counting days" last month. i couldn't tell you then! i was only counting days after a missed period!
taken last wednesday, at 7 weeks and one day. due date, april 20, 2010.
we are still in a little bit of disbelief over here. we went to breakfast with the boy's mom yesterday and she looked at him from across the table and said, "dad". it nearly floored me. i can only barely acknowledge that this is happening inside of my body, let alone that in a few months, it will be happening to the world.
i am feeling tired and sick to my stomach, but not much throwing up. the medicine the dr. gave me for the nausea gave me such a monstrous headache (which i can now only take tylenol for. does tylenol help headaches? not mine...), that i will never ever ever take it again. instead, i am drinking ginger tea and eating water crackers and over-indulging in fruit. peaches, plums, pluots, prunes and, breaking the p cycle, grapes, raspberries and blueberries.
creepily enough, i think i'm attracted to these specific fruits, as all the literature i'm reading is comparing the baby at this point to those fruits. so far its been a blueberry and a raspberry. we're moving into grape territory this week, week 9.
for the most part, the grandparents are beside themselves, and smile all the time, and mark my dr.'s appointments on their calendars. i think its cute.
other new things:
i can smell things six blocks away.
i am thinking about a doula.
also, natural childbirth, no epidural, etc, if possible.
i am wondering if, instead of buying maternity pants, i can just order a few pairs of stretch corduroys in a couple sizes too big from delia's.
and yes, i'm telling too soon, at nine weeks instead of twelve, but i needed the outlet. everyone at work already knows, as last week was a rough one, and i thought i should come clean. on the horizon early next month are screening tests and an amnio, as i will be 35 in april. scary (both the tests and the fact that i will be 35 next year), but i am confident that everything is fine. please be confident for me, too.
p.s. to jackie: that was the reference to "counting days" last month. i couldn't tell you then! i was only counting days after a missed period!