i fell!

and there was blood.

i had to be at work early on friday morning, mostly to meet with press for an anniversary event we were having, and my press packets were not yet super ready, so i was in a bit of a hurry. purse on, hands full, sundress with a sweater and platform sandals, i bounded out the door and down the driveway.

have you seen our driveway? it needs help. regrettably, not the kind of help my foot can offer. don't know quite what happened, but i remember at one moment thinking, oh no, look at that, you won't fall, you'll catch yourself, and then the next moment picking myself up off the ground.

our ethiopian neighbor was driving down the street and stopped and asked if i was ok. which, without hesitation, i said i was, just tripped on my shoe, going to work, etc as i moved toward my car. she pointed out at me and said, "you're bleeding". oh. so i went inside.

the back of my hand is all scraped up, as is my one (previously) unscarred knee.

i did what i could, coached by the boy on the phone (who had already left for the day), pilfiring the earthquake kit, and then went to work.

luckily, i work with all women, most of whom have children, so they helped clean me up and a quick trip to the rite aid supplied me with magical invisible bandages and antiseptic that lied when it said it wouldn't hurt.

anyway, that was my friday adventure. you got one better?


and they called me the clumbsy one. please.

love you.

pray for teddy.